There are so many reasons I encourage women to get plugged into music. I worked with music therapists for several decades and witnessed firsthand its healing power for tens of thousands of hospital patients and coaching clients.
Personally, music has guided me through grief, gotten me out of bed when depressed and helped me navigate these past several years of rollercoaster life experiences and emotions.
Here are a few other interesting areas positively impacted by music:
Research suggests that background music, or music that is played while the listener is focused on another activity, can improve performance on cognitive tasks in older adults. One study found that playing more upbeat music led to improvements in processing speed, while both upbeat and downbeat music led to benefits in memory.
It’s long been believed that music helps reduce and manage stress. In a 2013 study, participants either listened to relaxing music, listened to the sound of rippling water, or received no auditory stimulation following stress. The results suggested the music listeners tended to recover more quickly following a stressor.
One of the most surprising psychological benefits of music is that it might be a helpful weight-loss tool Why didn’t we know this30 years ago?. If you are trying to lose weight, listening to mellow music and dimming the lights while you eat dinner. By eating in a relaxing setting, you may find yourself eating more mindfully and be able to recognize feeling fuller sooner!
Music has also be found to decrease pain…for fibromyalgia sufferers, this has proved HUGE! And for those having surgery, it seems listening to music before the operation resulted in better outcomes!
While multiple studies have been done on the impact of music, I also loved this snippet from this 2020 Gaia article on Research Shows Ancient Solfeggio Notes Can Heal Body and Mind | Gaia.
Dr Joseph Puleo, a physician and herbalist, began exploring the Solfeggio in the 1990s. He developed a theory that each of the six frequencies carried precise characteristics, and that the tones could be used to heal.
Here’s a list of Solfeggio frequencies plus characteristics:
- 396 Hz — Releases Fear
- 417 Hz — Eases and Initiates Change
- 528 Hz — Healing and DNA Repair
- 639 Hz — Heals Relationships
- 741 Hz — Finding Creative Expression and Solutions
- 852 Hz — Spiritual Homecoming
There are other areas where research has demonstrated positive impact such as improved memory, sleep, motivation, mood, endurance & performance.
The BEST thing I’ve found, however, is that music is the one of the fastest ways to raise my energy and mood…which has helped tremendously in manifesting the best things in life!
Everything is energy. You. Me. And yes, music. To me, “high vibrational music” is music that helps me raise my frequency, which then helps me use the Law of Attraction most successfully. High vibrational energy can be the Solfeggios or just music that feels GOOD and happier.
When we are in that place, I call it my Vortex, I find manifesting good stuff in my life so much easier…how do you think I met David and ended up in England?