We women give a lot…all the time. We are constantly doing. Taking care of business, taking care of others, putting other’s needs before our own…and yet if we consider taking time for ourselves, we often feel guilty. We all know the saying…matter of fact, you are probably saying to yourself…”I bet she’s going to say that thing about the oxygen mask”. You’re right, I am.
Because no matter HOW MANY TIMES a woman has heard, “you have to put the oxygen mask on yourself first before helping anyone else” she will still say to me, “but….” and give me a 1001 reasons (okay maybe just 5) why she couldn’t possibly do this for herself.
The truth is, you work hard, you give of yourself continuously and you are here on this earth to do important work. You not only deserve to step away from your routine REGULARLY to relax, renew and recharge, you NEED to. Time away for women is not a luxury, it is required for well-being.
Don’t just take my word for it; check the research. Go ahead. GOOGLE it, I’ll wait….
Research has shown that women who:
- don’t take vacations are 50% more likely to have heart attacks than women who do AND
- fail to take vacations are THREE TIMES more likely to be depressed and anxious.
Research also shows that people who travel regularly report almost 20% improvement in their sleep. Vacations relieve stress (and allow the body to actually repair damage that has been caused by those nasty stress hormones that are responsible for many chronic illnesses);
Taking Vacations:
- help prevent illnesses from colds and flu to IBS and cancer
- make us more productive at work
- improve our concentration
- improve creativity
- improve memory and goal-attainment
- and believe it or not, studies have shown that vacations help you get thinner. Even when indulging a little more on vacation (did someone say Limoncello?) individuals who vacationed were found to have improved glucose levels and had some weight loss around their waists.
I can honestly tell you, that every time I’ve gone to Italy, I’VE LOST WEIGHT without trying. Seriously. So here’s the thing. You didn’t need me to tell you that you need a vacation or that you would be healthier and happier doing so. You already knew that, however you may have needed someone to give you ammunition to justify it. I get it. I’ve been there, believe me. I used to be a workaholic and a martyr. NOT an attractive combo. So now you’ve got the data. So why, should you spend your vacation time on a retreat with Wayfinding Women?
Wayfinding Women Retreats are unlike anything you’ve experienced before.
Wayfinding Women Retreats meet you where you are in life and transport you to places you’ve only dreamed of. Designed by a woman FOR women, these trips fill you. What makes these experiences truly one-of-a-kind is that I personally spend hundreds of hours planning every detail of each trip. As someone who loves researching, I am driven to find the best of everything; best venue, best food, best view, best experiences, best value. No travel agencies or usual tourist itineraries here. I use my personal connections in the countries we visit to create the most unique and luscious adventure possible. As a therapist, I was trained in the critical nature of self-care, so each day is carefully planned and coordinated to insure an exquisite balance of rest and exploration. One of the things women love most? The planning is done FOR THEM. All they have to do is show up. Show up and be whisked away to the most delight-filled days and laughter-filled nights.
The other thing about Wayfinding Women retreats is that it’s a perfect blend of travel, connection and self-exploration. Women are wired for connection…authentic, genuine connection. We all know that what we love about being with other women is our ability to share our emotions…be heard and understood. I’m not saying that connecting with men is bad, I’m not. It’s just when we need to be filled up, the majority of the time, we are going to find that through our sharing with other women.
Women spending significant time together has been witnessed throughout history. Dating back to 800 C.E., female friends would gather in the “Red Tent” for a week or more to assist one another in whatever ways they may need during menses; massaging, feeding, drinking, laughing, sharing conversation about life, creating sacred ceremony and honoring what was being experienced through this natural cycle. Marie-Antoinette’s created a refuge in Versailles known as Hameau de la Reine, where she could escape the pressures of the court by “vacationing” with her friends, dressing in peasant clothes and role playing as if they were shepherdesses and farmers. My best friend and I have been doing Women’s Weekends since we were young mothers, meeting for a weekend or a week to rest, reconnect and renew so that we could return to our families, jobs, communities as better versions of ourselves.
Wayfinding Women retreats provide the perfect opportunity to disconnect from the day-to-day and reconnect with our essential selves and like-hearted women for inspiration, support and joy.
These unique travel experiences provide space and inspiration so you come home energized and ready for the next steps on your journey.
Isn’t it time for YOU?